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Rylstone Project
Lodge Farm Barn by Andrew Forman
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Mortality Rates in Mid Wharfedale in 1623
The button below links to a paper from Moira Long and May Pickles, which compares the mortality rates in different parts of Mid Wharfedale in 1623. There was a mortality crisis in the North of England in that year, and Long and Pickles explore the reasons for it and why the experiences in the Mid Wharfedale parishes, for which they have data, are different from those in other parts of the north.
The full reference is: Long, M. H. and Pickles, M. F. (1986). 'An Enquiry into Mortality Rates in Mid Wharfedale in 1623'. Local Population Studies. No.37. Autumn, 1986. pp.19-36.
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