Rylstone Project
Lodge Farm Barn by Andrew Forman
Heading 6
Enclosure Award of January 21st 1772 for Rylstone
The 'Enclosure Acts' or 'Awards' were a series of acts of parliament which enclosed what had been open fields or common land in the country, creating legal property rights on land which had previously been considered to be common. The acts caused massive hardship to villagers who no longer had land to farm or graze their stock.
The particular act for Rylstone divided up the 'cattle-gates' on the four stinted pastures belonging to Rylstone township. These were: Bark, North Moor, Longhill and Garforth Close.
The Enclosure in Rylstone divided the fields into areas allotted to proprietors and areas allotted to roads as follows:
Allotted to proprietors Allotted to roads Total
a. r. p. a. r. p. a. r. p.
Bark 222 2 28 6 1 24 229 0 12
North Moor 373 3 36 11 0 3 38 3 39
Longhill 151 3 0 0 0 0 151 3 0
Garforth Close 11 0 7 0 0 0 11 0 7
a.=acres r.= rods p.=perches
Prior to the Enclosure Award, the stinted pastures had the following cattle-gates.
Bark 86
North Moor 161
Longhill 45
Garforth Close 4
This note is from the records of Richard Harland by personal communication.
The Enclosure Award for Rylstone is held at The North Yorkshire County Archives at Northallerton.